Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

‎"Breath is the Bridge "

‎"Breath is the Bridge "
Kriya Yoga is a special technique. Any work you all are doing from your birthday is Kri. That work is 
done by the breath. Breath is Ya. 
Without breath you cannot do any work. You are busy with the body, but forgetting your breath. So you 
do not know what is God. You do not give any love to your breath. Anything you are eating joyfully or 
doing joyfully it is by the breath. There are fifty types of breaths. Forty nine types of breath give you
extrovert stage, but one slow and feeble breath, that is for your God realization.
Eko deva sarva bhūtesu gūdhah — He is hiding in the fontanel of every human being. Sarva vyāpi — He
is everywhere, in the whole universe. Sarva bhūtarantarātmā — He is the indwelling Self of every human
being. But you are not after that. He is your witness - saksi. He is your life. In the body form He is
formless everywhere.

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Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

‎"Breath is the Bridge "

‎"Breath is the Bridge "
‎"Breath is the Bridge "
Kriya Yoga is a special technique. Any work you all are doing from your birthday is Kri. That work is 
done by the breath. Breath is Ya. 
Without breath you cannot do any work. You are busy with the body, but forgetting your breath. So you 
do not know what is God. You do not give any love to your breath. Anything you are eating joyfully or 
doing joyfully it is by the breath. There are fifty types of breaths. Forty nine types of breath give you
extrovert stage, but one slow and feeble breath, that is for your God realization.
Eko deva sarva bhūtesu gūdhah — He is hiding in the fontanel of every human being. Sarva vyāpi — He
is everywhere, in the whole universe. Sarva bhūtarantarātmā — He is the indwelling Self of every human
being. But you are not after that. He is your witness - saksi. He is your life. In the body form He is
formless everywhere.
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